The audio-visual show "Tsarevets in Sounds and Lights" is a unique attraction. The program was created by a team of Bulgarian and Czech specialists managed by Vulo Radev and Jaromir Hnick. The first-ever release of the program was in 1985, to commemorate 800 years since the rebellion of the brothers Asen and Peter. The show is organized by request and needs a group of 30 people, at minimum, in order to be run. The best place to watch it is the "Tsar Ivan-Asen II" square in front of the Tsarevets Fortress. Through the power of music and spectacular illumination, this program aims to create an unforgettable and emotional image of the Tsarevets Hill treasuring up the history, grandeur, and glory of the ancient capital city of Turnovgrad which has become synonymous with the Bulgarian spirit and national pride. The music, which has been composed specially for the occasion, is a leading element helping to follow the historical events and describe their invisible images. The very first sounds will take you to an unreal world, far back into the centuries when these lands were inhabited by Thracians, Slavs, and proto-Bulgarians. The music theme evokes thoughts about the creation of the Bulgarian State in 681, the struggles for its consolidation and the peaceful constructive labor of the freedom-loving Bulgarian people. |