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     Madara Horseman is the most famous monument from the mediaeval period in Bulgaria (8th century AD). The high disposed rock relief is surrounded by Greek inscriptions presenting the names of three Bulgarian khans. The monument is strongly influenced by the eastern traditions, especially by Persian art. 

     Address: 9750, Madara village

     Tel: (+359 5313) 20 95
     Exhibition: Open-air exhibition 
     Main collections: Тhe most remarkable monument at Madara Reserve is the Madara Horseman – a rock bas-relief, carved at a height of 23 m into the face of a rock 120 m high, representing a horseman, a running hound, a lion and inscriptions. The inscriptions around it, written in Greek, present the feats of three Bulgarian khans – Теrvel, Krumesis and Omourtag. Madara Horseman is announced a monument of world importance and included in the UNESCO list in 1979. The bas-relief has been known to scholars since the end of the last century, but it is still the subject of much attention by specialists and tourists. Visitors can also see picturesque caves, pagan sanctuaries, a Byzantine garrison food store, Christian churches, and chapels in the area around the Madara Horseman. 
     Facilities: Souvenir stand, restaurant, café, hotel, advertising materials 
     Services: Guided tours 
     Working time: Daily - 08:00 am – 07:00 pm