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     Khan Krum Wine Cellar is situated in the outskirts of the village with the same name, along the southern slopes of Shumen Plateau, 9 km. north - east of the town of Veliki Preslav and the same distance west of the town of Shumen. The grapes in the region of the wine cellar are about 5500 decares. The classic white sorts Chardonnay, Aligote, Muscat Otonel, Traminer, Rakatziteli, Rhein Riesling and of the Bulgarian sorts - Dimyat comprise a basic part. The work vessel capacity of the wine cellar is 3500 tons, and the possibilities for processing of grapes about 4500 tons. 

     Besides an equipped technological line for white wines, the wine cellar disposes of vessels for preservation and aging of red wines. The fermentation department has a capacity of 900 tons and possibility for control of temperature.
    Khan Krum Winery exports its production for countries from all over the world, among which: Russia, England, USA, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malta, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, etc.