Borovo Treasure (4th century BC) consists of silver vessels decorated with protomes of animals and mythical scenes. This treasure was accidentally discovered by Traycho Stoev in 1974 by the village (now town) Borovo, Ruse Region. Archaeological excavations on the spot of Sivri Tepe mound haven’t uncovered anything, even though the expectations of the scientists were to discover a whole settlement or burial mounds. All the items discovered are dated to the end of 5th – beginning of 4th century BC. Those include five gilt silver objects (three rhyta, one cane-rhyton and large bowl), over which inscriptions were discovered that connect the vessels with the Thracian king Kotis (383-359). The first rhyton with bull’s protome differs significantly from the rest. It has slightly shorter horn, horizontal fluting ending in oval shapes with miniature oval pearls. The horse’s body is artfully crafted, just like the bull, and decorated with stylized ornaments. The third rhyton has protome of a winged sphinx, quite similar to the one with horse’s protome. On the sphinx’s years there are two tiny holes, probably for earrings. The large bowl has two handles hanging on satyrs’ heads. On the bottom there is a griffin attacking a roe. In terms of iconography, the cane-rhyton is most interesting. Today the treasure is exhibited in the National History Museum. |